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Upcoming Events

Fall 2024:

Projected for 06-October-2024, we will be planning a field day at Carl Nelson's woodland to gain background on his management practices, future plans and lessons learned. More details to come soon!

Tractor Wheels

Events are intended to provide educational experiences around forestry management, best practices and enjoyment of our woodlands.

Past Events

2024 Spring Conference
West Central & Chippewa Valley 

Whether you were one of the 130 people in attendance at the WWOA Regional
Conference on March 9 in Baldwin, or had to stay home, we hope you will enjoy the
following summary of the presentations, including links to additional information


2024 West Central Winter Meeting

WINTER MEETING - Feb. 17, 2024
Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association – West Central Chapter
Molly’s on Main Restaurant, Plum City, WI

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