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About WWOA
West Central

“That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics. That lands yields a cultural harvest is a fact long known, but latterly often forgotten.”
― Aldo Leopold

Who We Are

 Our mission is to promote Wisconsin's forests and educate others on best forest management practices for the benefit of owners and wildlife alike. This is a great space to share our journey, experiences, and insights about woodland ownership and management. Join us in exploring the beauty of Wisconsin's woodlands and learning about sustainable forest management.

Aerial View of Deforestation

Our Focus

 Here, we delve into a wide range of topics related to forest management, conservation, and the diverse flora and fauna of Wisconsin's woodlands. Our team is dedicated to providing valuable resources and knowledge to support woodland owners in nurturing healthy and thriving forests.

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